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How to download Bingo! audio files
with Windows

NOTE: repeat this process each time you hear “Please connect to a computer” after tapping the TING icon on the cover of Bingo!”

For Mac users, please download the files separately. Click this link How to download (Mac) to find out how.

ting icon.png

1. Turn on Ting Pen and then tap the TING icon on the cover of Bingo! You will hear 'Please connect to a computer' (see video demo).


2. Connect your Ting Pen to a computer using the USB cable.

You will see 'CD Drive ( ) Ting CDFS'


3. Click the file "TING" to open TING application


4. Ting software will start loading


5. Bingo! Audio files will automatically be downloaded onto Ting pen 

You will see downloading progress at the bottom left-hand corner


6. When you see "ok to disconnect", it means the downloading has finished


7. Click on the 'Safely Remove Hardware icon


8.  Click Eject TING USB. You can now use the TING pen on Bingo!

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